#navbar-iframe { visibility: hidden; } Pinoy Nurses Zone Pinoy Nurses Zone: August 2008

Nurses Creed

Lord, let me begin today with your blessing To provide care for those who need me. Give me the patience to listen, Intuition to see beyond the visible, Knowledge to practice the art of nursing, And the attitude to deliver care with humility. Help me to see every patient clearly Unbiased, and with individual respect. Help me to face fear and anxiety With kind words and a gentle touch. Help me to see the joy and wonder each new day brings And let your healing light shine through my hands. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


When a child has a cyanotic heart defect,check for the

C-cyanosis,especially increasing with crying
C-crabbiness or irritability
C-clubbing of digits
C-crouching or squating,which increase systemic venous return,shunt blood from extremeties to the head and trunk and decrease cyanosis

S/S OF MI(myocardial infarction)- think of DANCE PAD....

C-crushing substernal chestpain
E-elevated temp.


Immediate tx for MI remember MOAN (like when patient has that crushing chestpain, he'll moan!):
Morphine, Oxygen, ASA, Nitroglycerine

Mnemonic for remembering "antiarrhythmics" DRUGS

procainamide = professor
quinidine = quackers
disopyramide= dissed/dismiss

lidocaine = lydia's
phenytoin = penny
mexiletine = mexican
tocainide = tacos

flecainide = feeling
propafenone= profaned

propanolol = proper
beta blockers = bertha butt

amiodarone = amiable
bretylium = british
solatol = socialite

verapamil = virtually
diltiazem = dismembered 'im

READ AS: Pofessor Quackers"dissed" - Lydia's penny Mexican tacos. Feeling profaned,proper Bertha butt,(amiable British socialite), virtually dismembered 'im!

"Cardio selective"( A BEAM)

A= acebutolol

"Beta receptor activity"

one- heart two - lungs

Beta 1= primarily on heart

airway is Beta 2 receptors

Treatment of CHF, think UNLOAD FAST:

U sit Upright
N Nitro
L Lasix
O Oxygen
A Aminophylline
D Digoxin

F Fluids- decrease
A Afterload - decrease
S Sodium - decrease
T Tests: dig level, ABG, K+

5 T's of early Cyanosis

T= tetralogy,transposition,truncus,total anomalous,triscuspid atresia.


H - Health Education
Y - Your diet is concern (low caloric & low fat diet)
P - Pressure Monitoring
E - Exercise
R - Rest and Relaxation
T - Take Medication
E - Eliminate Salt
N - No Smoking
S - Stress Reducing Technique
I - Inhibit Coffee & Stimulants
O - Observe for Complications
N - Never Forget to Take Medication

Foods high in sodium:

P-processed foods
M-moo foods (dairy)
S- salty tasting

Friday, August 29, 2008

Definition of a Root Word I

abdomin/o abdomen
acou/o hearing
aden/o gland
adenoid/o adenoids
adren/o adrenal gland
alveol/o alveolus
amni/o amnion
andro/o male
angi/o vessel
ankly/o stiff
anter/o frontal
an/o anus
aponeur/o aponeurosis
appendic/o appendix
arche/o beginning
arteri/o artery
atri/o atrium
aur/i ear
aur/o ear
aut/o self
bacteri/o bacteria
balan/o glans penis
bi/o life
blephar/o eyelid
bronch/i bronchus
bronch/o bronchus
calc/i calcium
cancer/o cancer
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
carp/o carpals
caud/o tail
cec/o cecum
celi/o abdomen
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum
cervic/o cervix
cheil/o lip
cholangi/o bile duct
chol/e gall
chondro/o cartilage
chori/o chorion
chrom/o color
clavic/o clavicle
col/o colon
colp/o vagina
core/o pupil
corne/o cornea
coron/o heart
cortic/o cortex
cor/o pupil
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium
cry/o cold
cutane/o skin
cyes/i pregnancy
cyst/o bladder
dacry/o tear
dermat/o skin
diaphragmat/o diaphragm
dipl/o double
dips/o thirst
dist/o distal
diverticul/o diverticulum
dors/o back
duoden/o duodenum
dur/o dura
ech/o sound
electr/o electricity
embry/o embryo
encephal/o brain
endocrin/o endocrine
enter/o intestine
epididym/o epididymis
epiglott/o epiglottis
episi/o vulva
epitheli/o epithelium
erythr/o red
esophag/o esophagus
esthesi/o sensation

Thursday, August 28, 2008

CS Set

complete pack
self ret
scissors: metz, mayo, bandage
suture: chromic 1 NA(non atro #2) 1st and 2nd layer
chromic 2.0 atromatic #1
plain 2.0 NA #1
vicryl 0 AT #1 (fascia)
dexon 4.0 #1 or vicryl 3.0 AT (skin)

8kelly curve
2kelly st
5towel clips
2needle holder
2blade holder
1tissue forcep
1thumb forcep
1bladder retractor
1 suture book

Thursday, August 21, 2008


an- without
ante- before
bi- two
brady- slow
dia- through
dys- difficult
endo- within
epi- over
eu- normal
exo- outward
hemi- half
hyper- excessive
hypo- deficient
inter- between
intra- within
meta- change
multi- numerous
nulli- none
pan- total
para- beyond
per- through
peri- surrounding
post- after
pre- before
pro- before
sub- below
supra- superior
sym- join
syn- join
tachy- rapid
tetra- four
trans- through

Friday, August 15, 2008

Modified Radical Mastectomy

ap set
cautery machine
complete pack
baby richardson
army navy
towel clips
blade 10
big OS
mayo straight
big richardson
suture: silk 3-0, 2-0, vicyl 3-0

Monday, August 11, 2008


-al pertaining to
-algia pain
-apheresis removal
-ary pertaining to
-asthenia weakness
-capnia carbon dioxide
-cele hernia
-clasia break
-clasis break
-crit separate
-cyte cell
-desis fusion
-drome run
-eal pertaining to
-ectasis expansion
-ectomy removal
-esis condition
-genesis cause
-genic pertaining to
-gram record
-graph recording device
-ial pertaining to
-iasis condition
-iatrist physician
-iatry specialty
-ic pertaining to
-ician one that
-ictal attack
-ior pertaining to
-ism condition of
-itis inflammation
-lysis separating
-malacia softening
-meter measure
-odynia pain
-oid resembling
-ology study
-oma tumor
-opia vision
-opsy view of
-orrhaphy repairing
-orrhea flow
-osis condition
-otomy cut into
-oxia oxygen
-paresis partial paralysis
-pathy disease
-pepsia digestion
-pexy suspension
-phagia swallowing, eating
-phobia excessive fear of
-phonia sound, voice
-physis growth
-plasia development
-plasm a growth
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breathing
-poiesis formation
-ptosis sagging
-salpinx fallopian tube
-sacoma malignant tumor
-schisis crack
-sclerosis hardening
-stasis standing
-stenosis narrowing
-thorax chest
-tocia labor, birth
-tome cutting device
-trophy develop
-uria urine

Friday, August 8, 2008


Amniocentesis: Removal of some fluid surrounding the fetus for analysis. Fetus location is identified by US prior to the procedure. Results may take a month.

Used to check for: Spina bifida, Rh compatibility, Immature lungs, Down syndrome

Chorionic villus sampling: Removal of placental tissue for analysis from the uterus during early pregnancy. US helps guide the procedure. 1-2 weeks get the results. Can be performed earlier than amniocentesis.

Used to check for: Tay-Sachs disease, Down syndrome, Other disorders

Preeclampsia: presence of protein in the urine, and increased BP during pregnancy. Found in 8% of pregnancies.

Eclampsia: seizures occurring during pregnancy, symptoms of pre-eclampsia have worsened. Factors that cause eclampsia vs. pre-eclampsia relatively unknown.

Oligohydramnios: Low levels of amniotic fluid that can cause: fetal abnormalities, ruptured membranes and fetus disorders.

Polyhydramnios: High levels of amniotic fluid that can cause: gestational diabetes and congenital defects.

Polyhydraminos Causes:

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Hydrops fetalis

Multiple fetus development


Esophageal atresia


Sheehan’s syndrome: hypopituitarism caused by uterine hemorrhage during childbirth. The pituitary gland is unable to function due to blood loss.

Breast infections/Mastitis: Infection or inflammation due to bacterial infections. (S. aureus).

Atrophic vaginitis- low estrogen levels cause inflammation of the vagina. Most common after menopause.

Cervicitis: infection, foreign bodies,or chemicals that causes inflammation of the cervix.

Pelvic inflammatory disease: infection of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries caused by STD’s in the majority of cases.

Toxic shock syndrome: infection of (S. aureus) that causes organ disorders and shock.

Hirsutism: development of dark areas of hair in women that are uncommon.


Cushing’s syndrome

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia



High Androgen levels

Certain medications

Dysmenorrhea: painful menses.

Endometriosis: abnormal tissue growth outside the uterus.

Stress Incontinence: A laugh, sneeze or activity that causes involuntary urination. Urethral sphincter dysfunction.

Urge incontinence- urine loss caused by bladder contraction.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


complete pack
ap set
blade 10 nd 20
prep bowl
kick bucket
et tube
gen anesthesia
cautery machine
asepto syringe
chole set
10cc syringe
penrose drain

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