#navbar-iframe { visibility: hidden; } Pinoy Nurses Zone Pinoy Nurses Zone: September 2008

Nurses Creed

Lord, let me begin today with your blessing To provide care for those who need me. Give me the patience to listen, Intuition to see beyond the visible, Knowledge to practice the art of nursing, And the attitude to deliver care with humility. Help me to see every patient clearly Unbiased, and with individual respect. Help me to face fear and anxiety With kind words and a gentle touch. Help me to see the joy and wonder each new day brings And let your healing light shine through my hands. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


To remember the clinical findings associated w/UTI think urinary tract is FULL of infection:

F-frequent urge to void
U-urine that is foul smelling and cloudy
L-low grade fever

No P No K.

If the patient isn't peeing, they are probably retaining potassium, therefore they shouldn't be getting it.

Nursing Considerations for renal failure --KIDNEY:

K - Keeping fluid balance
I - Inspecting the skin for Pruritus
D - Dietary Instructions
N - No to Acidosis
E - Electrolyte imbalance maintainance
Y - Your blood counts

ASSESSMENT on dehydration

D=dry skin & mucous membrane
E=eyeball/fontannel sunken
Y= you feel coolness/mottling of the extremeties
D=delayed capillary filling time
R= response to stimuli/LOC changes
A= absence of tears
I=increase urine specific gravity
N=no/loss skin turgor and elasticity

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sample Question 2

21. A 65 year old man has been admitted to the hospital for spinal stenosis surgery. When does the discharge training and planning begin for this patient?

A: Following surgery

B: Upon admit

C: Within 48 hours of discharge

D: Preoperative discussion

22. A child is 5 years old and has been recently admitted into the hospital. According to Erickson which of the following stages is the child in?

A: Trust vs. mistrust

B: Initiative vs. guilt

C: Autonomy vs. shame

D: Intimacy vs. isolation

23. A toddler is 16 months old and has been recently admitted into the hospital. According to Erickson which of the following stages is the toddler in?

A: Trust vs. mistrust

B: Initiative vs. guilt

C: Autonomy vs. shame

D: Intimacy vs. isolation

24. A young adult is 20 years old and has been recently admitted into the hospital. According to Erickson which of the following stages is the adult in?

A: Trust vs. mistrust

B: Initiative vs. guilt

C: Autonomy vs. shame

D: Intimacy vs. isolation

25. A nurse is making rounds taking vital signs. Which of the following vital signs is abnormal?

A: 11 year old male – 90 b.p.m, 22 resp/min. , 100/70 mm Hg

B: 13 year old female – 105 b.p.m., 22 resp/min., 105/60 mm Hg

C: 5 year old male- 102 b.p.m, 24 resp/min., 90/65 mm Hg

D: 6 year old female- 100 b.p.m., 26 resp/min., 90/70mm Hg

26. When you are taking a patient’s history, she tells you she has been depressed and is dealing with an anxiety disorder. Which of the following medications would the patient most likely be taking?

A: Elavil

B: Calcitonin

C: Pergolide

D: Verapamil

27. Which of the following conditions would a nurse not administer erythromycin?

A: Campylobacterial infection

B: Legionnaire’s disease

C: Pneumonia

D: Multiple Sclerosis

28. A patient’s chart indicates a history of hyperkalemia. Which of the following would you not expect to see with this patient if this condition were acute?

A: Decreased HR

B: Paresthesias

C: Muscle weakness of the extremities

D: Migranes

29. A patient’s chart indicates a history of ketoacidosis. Which of the following would you not expect to see with this patient if this condition were acute?

A: Vomiting

B: Extreme Thirst

C: Weight gain

D: Acetone breath smell

30. A patient’s chart indicates a history of meningitis. Which of the following would you not expect to see with this patient if this condition were acute?

A: Increased appetite

B: Vomiting

C: Fever

D: Poor tolerance of light

31. A nurse if reviewing a patient’s chart and notices that the patient suffers from conjunctivitis. Which of the following microorganisms is related to this condition?

A: Yersinia pestis

B: Helicobacter pyroli

C: Vibrio cholera

D: Hemophilus aegyptius

32. A nurse if reviewing a patient’s chart and notices that the patient suffers from Lyme disease. Which of the following microorganisms is related to this condition?

A: Borrelia burgdorferi

B: Streptococcus pyrogens

C: Bacilus anthracis

D: Enterococcus faecalis

33. A fragile 87 year-old female has recently been admitted to the hospital with increased confusion and falls over last 2 weeks. She is also noted to have a mild left hemiparesis. Which of the following tests is most likely to be performed?

A: FBC (full blood count)

B: ECG (electrocardiogram)

C: Thyroid function tests

D: CT scan

34. A 84 year-old male has been loosing mobility and gaining weight over the last 2 months. The patient also has the heater running in his house 24 hours a day, even on warm days. Which of the following tests is most likely to be performed?

A: FBC (full blood count)

B: ECG (electrocardiogram)

C: Thyroid function tests

D: CT scan

35. A 20 year-old female attending college is found unconscious in her dorm room. She has a fever and a noticeable rash. She has just been admitted to the hospital. Which of the following tests is most likely to be performed first?

A: Blood sugar check

B: CT scan

C: Blood cultures

D: Arterial blood gases

36. A 28 year old male has been found wandering around in a confused pattern. The male is sweaty and pale. Which of the following tests is most likely to be performed first?

A: Blood sugar check

B: CT scan

C: Blood cultures

D: Arterial blood gases

37. A mother is inquiring about her child’s ability to potty train. Which of the following factors is the most important aspect of toilet training?

A: The age of the child

B: The child ability to understand instruction.

C: The overall mental and physical abilities of the child.

D: Frequent attempts with positive reinforcement.

38. A parent calls the pediatric clinic and is frantic about the bottle of cleaning fluid her child drank 20 minutes. Which of the following is the most important instruction the nurse can give the parent?

A: This too shall pass.

B: Take the child immediately to the ER

C: Contact the Poison Control Center quickly

D: Give the child syrup of ipecac

39. A nurse is administering a shot of Vitamin K to a 30 day-old infant. Which of the following target areas is the most appropriate?

A: Gluteus maximus

B: Gluteus minimus

C: Vastus lateralis

D: Vastus medialis

40. A nurse has just started her rounds delivering medication. A new patient on her rounds is a 4 year-old boy who is non-verbal. This child does not have on any identification. What should the nurse do?

A: Contact the provider

B: Ask the child to write their name on paper.

C: Ask a co-worker about the identification of the child.

D: Ask the father who is in the room the child’s name.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Answer key 1

1. (A) and (B) are both contraindicated with pregnancy.
2. (F) All of the others have can cause photosensitivity reactions.
3. (D) All of the others can cause urine discoloration.
4. (A) Corgard could be removed from the refigerator.
5. (D) IgG is the only immunoglobulin that can cross the placental barrier.
6. (B) AZT treatment is the most critical innervention.
7. (C) Autonomic neuropathy can cause inability to urinate.
8. (B) All of the clinical signs and systems point to a condition of anorexia nervosa.
9. (B) Hypercalcaemia can cause polyuria, severe abdominal pain, and confusion.
10. (C) Rho gam prevents the production of anti-RH antibodies in the mother that has a Rh positive fetus.
11. (D) The effects of PKU stay with the infant throughout their life.
12. (D) Aspirin overdose can lead to metabolic acidosis and cause pulmonary edema development.
13. (D) This patient’s safety is your primary concern.
14. (C) The bronchodilator will allow a more productive cough.
15. (B) Weight gain is associated with CHF and congenital heart deficits.
16. (C) The skin would be dry and not oily.
17. (A) Streptokinase is a clot busting drug and the best choice in this situation.
18. (A) Green vegetables and liver are a great source of folic acid.
19. (D) Cl. difficile has not been linked to meningitis.
20. (D) RBC’s last for 120 days in the body.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sample Question1

1. A nurse is reviewing a patient’s medication during shift change. Which of the following medication would be contraindicated if the patient were pregnant? Note: More than one answer may be correct.
A: Coumadin
B: Finasteride
C: Celebrex
D: Catapress
E: Habitrol
F: Clofazimine
2. A nurse is reviewing a patient’s PMH. The history indicates photosensitive reactions to medications. Which of the following drugs has not been associated with photosensitive reactions? Note: More than one answer may be correct.
A: Cipro
B: Sulfonamide
C: Noroxin
D: Bactrim
E: Accutane
F: Nitrodur
3. A patient tells you that her urine is starting to look discolored. If you believe this change is due to medication, which of the following patient’s medication does not cause urine discoloration?
A: Sulfasalazine
B: Levodopa
C: Phenolphthalein
D: Aspirin
4. You are responsible for reviewing the nursing unit’s refrigerator. If you found the following drug in the refrigerator it should be removed from the refrigerator’s contents?
A: Corgard
B: Humulin (injection)
C: Urokinase
D: Epogen (injection)
5. A 34 year old female has recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. She has also recently discovered that she is pregnant. Which of the following is the only immunoglobulin that will provide protection to the fetus in the womb?
A: IgA
B: IgD
C: IgE
D: IgG
6. A second year nursing student has just suffered a needlestick while working with a patient that is positive for AIDS. Which of the following is the most important action that nursing student should take?
A: Immediately see a social worker
B: Start prophylactic AZT treatment
C: Start prophylactic Pentamide treatment
D: Seek counseling
7. A thirty five year old male has been an insulin-dependent diabetic for five years and now is unable to urinate. Which of the following would you most likely suspect?
A: Atherosclerosis
B: Diabetic nephropathy
C: Autonomic neuropathy
D: Somatic neuropathy
8. You are taking the history of a 14 year old girl who has a (BMI) of 18. The girl reports inability to eat, induced vomiting and severe constipation. Which of the following would you most likely suspect?
A: Multiple sclerosis
B: Anorexia nervosa
C: Bulimia
D: Systemic sclerosis
9. A 24 year old female is admitted to the ER for confusion. This patient has a history of a myeloma diagnosis, constipation, intense abdominal pain, and polyuria. Which of the following would you most likely suspect?
A: Diverticulosis
B: Hypercalcaemia

C: Hypocalcaemia

D: Irritable bowel syndrome

10. Rho gam is most often used to treat____ mothers that have a ____ infant.

A: RH positive, RH positive

B: RH positive, RH negative

C: RH negative, RH positive

D: RH negative, RH negative

11. A new mother has some questions about (PKU). Which of the following statements made by a nurse is not correct regarding PKU?

A: A Guthrie test can check the necessary lab values.

B: The urine has a high concentration of phenylpyruvic acid

C: Mental deficits are often present with PKU.

D: The effects of PKU are reversible.

12. A patient has taken an overdose of aspirin. Which of the following should a nurse most closely monitor for during acute management of this patient?

A: Onset of pulmonary edema

B: Metabolic alkalosis

C: Respiratory alkalosis

D: Parkinson’s disease type symptoms

13. A fifty-year-old blind and deaf patient has been admitted to your floor. As the charge nurse your primary responsibility for this patient is?

A: Let others know about the patient’s deficits

B: Communicate with your supervisor your concerns about the patient’s deficits.

C: Continuously update the patient on the social environment.

D: Provide a secure environment for the patient.

14. A patient is getting discharged from a SNF facility. The patient has a history of severe COPD and PVD. The patient is primarily concerned about their ability to breath easily. Which of the following would be the best instruction for this patient?

A: Deep breathing techniques to increase O2 levels.

B: Cough regularly and deeply to clear airway passages.

C: Cough following bronchodilator utilization

D: Decrease CO2 levels by increase oxygen take output during meals.

15. A nurse is caring for an infant that has recently been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Which of the following clinical signs would most likely be present?

A: Slow pulse rate

B: Weight gain

C: Decreased systolic pressure

D: Irregular WBC lab values

16. A mother has recently been informed that her child has Down’s syndrome. You will be assigned to care for the child at shift change. Which of the following characteristics is not associated with Down’s syndrome?

A: Simian crease

B: Brachycephaly

C: Oily skin

D: Hypotonicity

17. A patient has recently experienced a (MI) within the last 4 hours. Which of the following medications would most like be administered?

A: Streptokinase

B: Atropine

C: Acetaminophen

D: Coumadin

18. A patient asks a nurse, “My doctor recommended I increase my intake of folic acid. What type of foods contain folic acids?”

A: Green vegetables and liver

B: Yellow vegetables and red meat

C: Carrots

D: Milk

19. A nurse is putting together a presentation on meningitis. Which of the following microorganisms has noted been linked to meningitis in humans?

A: S. pneumonia

B: H. influenza

C: N. meningitis

D: Cl. difficile

20. A nurse is administering blood to a patient who has a low hemoglobin count. The patient asks how long to RBC’s last in my body? The correct response is.

A: The life span of RBC is 45 days.

B: The life span of RBC is 60 days.

C: The life span of RBC is 90 days.

D: The life span of RBC is 120 days.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Definition of a Root Word III

nas/o nose
nat/o birth
necr/o death
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
noct/i night
ocul/o eye
olig/o few
omphal/o navel
onc/o tumor
onych/o nail
oophor/o ovary
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o vision
orchid/o testicle
orch/o testicle
organ/o organ
or/o mouth
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
ox/i oxygen
pachy/o thick
palat/o palate
pancreat/o pancreas
par/o labor
patell/o patella
path/o disease
pelv/i pelvis
perine/o peritoneum
petr/o stone
phalang/o pharynx
phas/o speech
phleb/o vein
phot/o light
phren/o mind
plasm/o plasma
pleur/o pleura
pneumon/o lung
poli/o gray matter
polyp/o small growth
poster/o posterior
prim/i first
proct/o rectum
proxim/o proximal
pseud/o fake
psych/o mind
pub/o pubis
puerper/o childbirth
pulmon/o lung
pupill/o pupil
pyel/o renal pelvis
pylor/o pylorus
py/o pus
quadr/i four
rachi/o spinal
radic/o nerve
radi/o radius
rect/o rectum
ren/o kidney
retin/o retina
rhabd/o striated
rhytid/o wrinkles
rhiz/o nerve
sacr/o sacrum
scapul/o scapula
scler/o sclera
scoli/o curved
seb/o sebum
sept/o septum
sial/o saliva
sinus/o sinus
somat/o body
son/o sound
spermat/o sperm
spir/o breathe
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o vertebra
staped/o stapes
staphyl/o clusters
stern/o sternum
steth/o chest
stomat/o mouth
strept/o chain-like
super/o superior
synovi/o synovia
tars/o tarsal
ten/o tendon
test/o testicle
therm/o heat
thorac/o thorax
thromb/o clot
thym/o thymus
thyroid/o thyroid gland
tibi/o tibia
tom/o pressure
tonsill/o tonsils
toxic/o poison
trachel/o trachea
trich/o hair
tympan/o eardrum
uln/o ulna
ungu/o nail
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
ur/o urine
uter/o uterus
uvul/o uvula
vagin/o vagina
valv/o valve
vas/o vessel
ven/o vein
ventricul/o ventricle
ventro/o frontal
vertebr/o vertebra
vesic/o bladder
vesicul/o seminal vesicle

Friday, September 5, 2008




S=spasm and stridor


S=skin flushed ( fever)
L=low grade fever

F=fever (low grade) flushed skin
R=restless ,irritable
I= increased fluid retention,increased BP
E= edema
D= decreased urinary output


T=tendon reflex decreased

L= limp muscle(weakness)
O=orthostatic hypotension
S=stomach cramping


M=medication(ACE inhibitors,NSAIDS)
C=cellular destruction(burns,traumatic injury)
I= intake -excessive
N=nephrons,renal failure
E=excretion impaired

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Definition of a Root Word II

femor/o femur
fet/i fetus
fet/o fetus
fibr/o fibrous tissue
fibul/o fibula
ganglion/o ganglion
gastr/o stomach
gingiv/o gum
glomerul/o glomerulus
gloss/o tongue
glyc/o sugar
gnos/o knowledge
gravid/o pregnancy
gynec/o woman
hem/o blood
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
heter/o other
hidr/o sweat
hist/o tissue
humer/o humerus
hydr/o water
hymen/o hymen
hyster/o uterus
ile/o ileum
ili/o ilium
irid/o iris
iri/o iris
ischi/o ischium
ischo/o blockage
jejun/o jejunum
kal/i potassium
kary/o nucleus
kerat/o hard
kinesi/o motion
kyph/o hump
lacrim/o tear duct
lact/o milk
lamin/o lamina
lapar/o abdomen
later/o lateral
lei/o smooth
leuk/o white
lingu/o tongue
lip/o fat
lith/o stone
lob/o lob/o
lord/o flexed forward
lumb/o lumbar
lymph/o lymph
mamm/o breast
mandibul/o mandible
mast/o breast
mastoid/o mastoid
maxill/o maxilla
meat/o opening
melan/o black
mening/o meninges
menisc/o meniscus
men/o menstruation
ment/o mind
metr/i uterus
metr/o uterus
mon/o one
muc/o mucus
myc/o fungus
myel/o spinal cord
my/o muscle

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